Thanks for your sharing. I have same experience in swimming, I think swimming is a really good example of cognitivism and constructivism. And actually, they are helping each other, like when the first time I learning how to swim, my coach told me not to move my arm and leg too fast, because as a first learner, that will make your action irregular, and you were not moving forward. At first I cannot obey, because I was scared. After a long time I realized the meaning of that.
Post 1: Learning, Motivation, and Theory
Thank you for sharing, I totally agree with your idea of broad sense and narrow sense of learning. All creature on earth has the ability of learning, otherwise, species will be eliminated. But we need to leaning harder or more actively, like we cannot always learn by our experience. For example, when I learn to swim, if I did something wrong I will drown, and then I learned the lesson, my motion will be more accurate. But some mistakes are we cannot try, like when we are learning the dangers of drugs, we cannot take drugs for learning. I think it is also an idea of cognitivism.
Post 1: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism